(I'm tired.)
Running can teach you some things, and one thing I think I've learned is you almost always have more to give than you think you do. The same legs that were exhausted from carrying you almost three miles are recharged as you draw close to the finish of a 5k. Can a tired old man apply this lesson of resource reserves to other aspects of his life?
I know I enjoy my bud Jason's blog very much, and look forward to his web blathering. He's been bugging me to bring the very short-lived Dawg Blawg back to life but I've found about a million excuses not to do so. One major obstacle is the incredibly mundane nature of my very existence, but most of the excuses really boil down to the time, energy and gray matter required.
Can't do much about the gray matter, but I do believe I have more energy in reserve than I've previously been willing to admit. More effective application of this "newfound" energy should result in more available time, right? Right?
So here it is, the return of the DawgBlawg. Remember J, you asked for it. And it might even bring a smile to the face of my sister, and Mel and maybe even Toad. Who knows?
Like my dad used to say, Why not? What the hell?
1 comment:
Where's the bathroom in this place?
Oh, hey EJ! Your turn to entertain me:) Looking forward to the NEXT 365 Days!
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